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New evidence against "mole" Kulinich made public

Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 11:04
New evidence against mole Kulinich made public

Law enforcers have revealed the interception of conversations between Oleh Kulinich, former Head of the Chief Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, who was detained earlier, and his curator Volodymyr Sivkovych, former Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council.

Source: press services of the Security Service of Ukraine and the State Bureau of Investigation

Details: These conversations are part of the criminal proceedings completed by the State Bureau of Investigation. After the defendant gets acquainted with the case, they will be submitted to the court.


In the course of the investigation, the Security Service of Ukraine officers have found new facts and evidence of Kulinich’s illegal activities and served him a notice of suspicion of committing other criminal offences, namely:

  • Absence from a military unit or place of service without leave under martial law (Art. 407 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine);
  • Obtaining weapons and ammunition by a military official with abuse of official position with prior conspiracy by a group of persons under martial law (Art. 410 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine);
  • Storing firearms without a permit required by law (Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), etc.

It has been established that Oleh Kulinich was involved in covert cooperation with representatives of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and was going by the operational alias Kotyhoroshko.

On the instructions of the FSB, Volodymyr Sivkovych (former KGB officer) and Andrii Kliuiev, former Head of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, who have been hiding from justice in Moscow since 2014, created a so-called "political office" to monitor the activities of influential Ukrainian politicians, high-ranking officials and law enforcement officers, and to search for agents of influence to control political processes in Ukrainian society.


In July 2022, the State Bureau of Investigation served a notice of suspicion of high treason on Volodymyr Sivkovych, as well as three Russian FSB officers of espionage.

It was established that Sivkovych is using his proxies to control a number of companies and enterprises in Ukraine that are used to cover the activities of members of the criminal organisation and to finance people who assist them.

The investigation has also established that Kulinich was a trustee of Sivkovych. He actively cooperated with the FSB's "political office" and followed the instructions of his supervisors to infiltrate "his people" into various state and law enforcement agencies, conduct sabotage and reconnaissance activities against Ukraine, espionage, and incite Ukrainian citizens to commit treason.

According to the investigation, Kulinich knew in advance about the plans of the Russian armed forces to attack mainland Ukraine from the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, but deliberately concealed this crucial information from his superiors and forbade sending any documentation on this matter to the Security Service of Ukraine.

In the first hours of the full-scale invasion, he deliberately blocked any attempts to inform the Security Service of Ukraine leadership and the population about the real situation in the region, failed to take any measures to protect state sovereignty, ordered his personnel to leave the place of service, and later issued service weapons to people who had nothing to do with the Security Service of Ukraine.

In addition, Kulinich left the place of permanent deployment himself and left for Kyiv on 24 February. In one of the apartments where he lived, investigators found a cache of weapons and his documents from his time in the USSR KGB.

The Security Service of Ukraine has pointed out once again that Vasyl Maliuk, Chief of the Security Service of Ukraine, has investigated the case of Kulinich himself and also developed a special operation to detain him.

Quote from Maliuk: "We did our best not only to detain the top state traitor, but also to collect a strong evidence base on which the court will be able to pass a fair verdict. This is a clear message to all those who work for the enemy – the Security Service of Ukraine will definitely find you and hold you accountable for your actions, no matter where you are hiding. Every mole will be exposed."


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