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Moldovan citizen tries to smuggle relics of 80 saints out of Ukraine

Saturday, 8 April 2023, 16:30

Ukrainian Border Guard servicemen prevented the smuggling of relics of 80 saints and other religious objects from Ukraine, which were found in the car of a citizen of Moldova during an inspection at the border.

Source: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

The man tried to smuggle objects, which probably have cultural and historical value, through the Tabaki checkpoint.


Quote: "Border guards found items that most likely have cultural and historical value. During the inspection of the cabin of the Volvo truck, the border guards together with the customs officers found an ark with the relics of 80 saints, an icon and a temple lectern [a high quadrangular table covered with cloth, used during religious services – ed.]", the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine said.

Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

As the border guards found out, the man was taking the specified items on behalf of his friend from Odesa.

They tried to deliver religious jewels to the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in the city of Vulcănești, allegedly for the holidays.


The border guards note that the reliquary was transported carelessly, as a result of which the relics fell out of their places.

The crime has been reported to the police and the Security Service of Ukraine.

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