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Vigilance and accuracy: Ukrainian artillery kills assault group of invaders in Bakhmut

Friday, 12 May 2023, 12:17
Vigilance and accuracy: Ukrainian artillery kills assault group of invaders in Bakhmut

Ukrainian defenders have demonstrated the destruction of a Russian assault group in Bakhmut on the night of 12 May; artillery of the 60th Separate Mechanised Brigade was involved.

Source:  Roman Hryshchenko, Commander of the 127th Separate Territorial Defence Brigade, on Facebook 

Quote from Hryshchenko: "Tonight (the night of May 11-12 – ed.), in one of the areas of the front in Bakhmut, the aerial reconnaissance of the 127th Separate Brigade of the Territorial Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine recorded the movement of the occupiers' assault group. The coordinates were promptly sent to the artillery of the 60th Separate Mechanised Inhulets Brigade" (Inhulets is a river in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast – ed.). 


Details: According to Hryshchenko, the brigade's soldiers acted in a well-coordinated and clear manner. Thanks to two accurate shots, the occupier's group was destroyed. 

"We are proud of the fact that air reconnaissance and artillery communicate with each other succinctly and effectively. The vigilance and accuracy of Ukrainian fighters make it possible to repel the Russians," the commander emphasised.


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