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In Britain, the Ukrainian military personnel is undergoing exercises in conducting defensive combat

Saturday, 27 May 2023, 22:23

In the UK, Ukrainian servicemen are undergoing training in fire training, in particular, in firing a small arms unit in defensive combat.

Source: European Pravda with reference to the press service of the Ukrainian General Staff on Facebook.

"This training allows mastering the necessary tactical skills, increases the security and professionalism of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so that military personnel can skillfully use the necessary tactical knowledge to protect Ukraine," the report says.

Ukrainian General Staff
Ukrainian General Staff
Ukrainian General Staff

The training is conducted by instructors of the British Armed Forces under the program of basic combined-arms training of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as part of the Multinational Training operation Interflex.

Earlier, the General Staff showed photos from exercises in Britain, in which the Ukrainian military personnel practised firing from the NLAW.

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