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Russian fighter jet strikes facility in Sumy Oblast with bombs

Wednesday, 3 May 2023, 10:12
Russian fighter jet strikes facility in Sumy Oblast with bombs

A Russian Su-35 fighter jet carried out an air strike on a facility in the village of Svesa, Sumy Oblast, on the night of 2-3 May.

Source: Sumy Oblast State Administration and Operational Command Pivnich (North) on Telegram

Details: Russian troops had reportedly been striking the border of Sumy Oblast from the evening of 2 May to the morning of 3 May.


A Russian Su-35 jet dropped two bombs, preliminary reports indicating that they were KAB precision-guided bombs, on the village of Svesa at around 10:00 on 2 May, targeting an educational institution and a business facility.

The facility has been damaged in the air strike. Information on casualties and damage is being established.

Fifteen strikes were recorded in the area of the settlements of Novovasylivka and Chervone on the morning of 3 May, presumably from a 120-mm mortar.


There were no reports of casualties among the local population or damage to civilian infrastructure.

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