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Putin's lies: he claims during parade that all countries are "friendly" towards Russia and compares West with Nazis

Tuesday, 9 May 2023, 11:34
Putin's lies: he claims during parade that all countries are friendly towards Russia and compares West with Nazis

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin told a succession of lies during his speech at the Victory Day parade on 9 May, claiming that Russia has no enemies among other countries and wants to see a peaceful and free future, while adding that the war in Ukraine is the most important thing today.

Source: Putin's speech

Quote: "For Russia there are no unfriendly enemy nations in either the West or the East. Like the vast majority of people on the planet, we want to see a peaceful, free and stable future. I believe that any ideology based on superiority is vile, criminal and deadly by nature."


Details: As usual, he accused the West of "pitting people against one another and dividing societies, provoking bloody conflicts and coups, sowing hatred, Russophobia and aggressive nationalism, and destroying traditional family values."

Putin continued to lie, alleging that the Ukrainian nation has become "a hostage of the state coup and the criminal regime of its Western masters that is based on it".

Quote: "We are proud of those taking part in the Special Military Operation [the Russian term for the war in Ukraine – ed.], all those who are fighting on the front. At the moment, there is no activity more important than your combat operations. The security of our country and the future of our state and nation depend on you. The whole country has united to support our heroes. Everyone is ready to help – everyone is praying for you."


Details: Putin also took offence at the Western countries that started to dismantle Russian monuments after Russia attacked Ukraine.

"This is also a crime, an utter revanchism of those who have been preparing a new attack on Russia. Their goal is to achieve the collapse and destruction of our country," Putin said.

He added that civilisation is "at a decisive turning point" and claimed that a "real war" has been unleashed against Russia. At the same time, Putin tried to convince his audience that Russia is "fighting back against international terrorism and will defend the residents of Donbas and ensure security".

Notably, the Russian flag never fully unfurled during the entire time it was being carried across Red Square.

Soldiers carried the Russian tricolour and a red flag with a hammer and sickle on it.


The red flag was flying on the Red Square while the Russian flag was wrapped around the flagpole the entire time.


The aviation part of the Victory Day parade in Moscow and a few other Russian cities was cancelled, supposedly due to weather conditions.

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