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Trudeau spoke in Verkhovna Rada

Saturday, 10 June 2023, 18:28
Trudeau spoke in Verkhovna Rada

On Saturday, Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, spoke at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Source: MP Yaroslav Zhelezniak on Telegram

Details: The speech was also attended by Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and all members of the parliament of Ukraine.


Quote: "Main theses:

  • You are fighting not only for your survival but for everything. For democracy and freedom. The world can't underestimate the importance of the moment and your struggles. You are fighting for yourself, your language, your homes, and the future of all of us.
  • Your victory will be in the history books, and you will determine the future of the 21st century.
  • Canada will be with you for as long as necessary. You don't give up, and so we won't give up.
  • Today, we announced US$400 million for military support, and Canada will be part of the coalition to train your pilots.
  • It should be Ukraine's choice of how to defend itself, and Canada will support Ukraine's accession into NATO.
  • We want peace, but we want it on Ukrainian terms. The Russian Federation must leave the entire territory of Ukraine.
  • We are transferring the confiscated Russian aircraft (AN-124) to Ukraine.
  • Thank you for remaining champions and defenders of democracy every day!

He ended with the phrase, ‘Glory to Ukraine!’."

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