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We have not yet seen real counteroffensive by Ukraine, everything is yet to come – Czech President

Thursday, 15 June 2023, 11:00

Ukraine has not yet launched a full-scale counteroffensive, but the first operations of the defence forces on several fronts constitute its "moderate start".

Source: Petr Pavel, the president of the Czech Republic, expressed this opinion in an interview for Radio Liberty; European Pravda cited him.

"I believe that we have not yet seen a real counteroffensive. Everything is still ahead. Based on my military experience, I would call it formative operations," Pavel said.


According to him, everything that the Ukrainian forces cannot achieve this year will have to be postponed at least until the next spring, "with all the appropriate difficulties."

The Czech president noted that the preparation for a counteroffensive lasted months, "and this is quite natural," because it takes a long time to train significant military forces, provide them with equipment, teach them, and get enough resources.

"It also requires much effort from all the people involved. Therefore, even if we assess the counteroffensive from this technical point of view, it will take considerable time to prepare for a new offensive again. Let's also consider the weather conditions that are very unfavourable during the winter. With all the difficulties associated, we will conclude that everything that cannot be achieved this year will have to be postponed until spring of next year. It is difficult to maintain the support of partners," he said.

Pavel added that the West sees a "window of opportunity this year", meaning "it will take at least three to four months before any other kind of activity begins."

As reported, Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, believes it's too early to draw conclusions as to whether the Ukrainian counteroffensive will be a turning point in the war. 

According to media reports, Western states estimate that since the beginning of counteroffensive operations, Ukrainian forces have been able to move about seven kilometres deep into the territories occupied by Russia and liberate at least four villages.

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