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Exports through the "grain corridor" decreased by a third in a week

Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 20:20

From 12 to 18 June, in the 46th week of operation of the grain corridor, the export of agricultural products through the seaports of Greater Odessa fell by 33% compared to the previous week - to 438.1 thousand tons.

Source: The Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business reports this.

Details: During this period, nine vessels were loaded, which is four units less than the previous week.


Quote: "These vessels are loaded, but they have not yet passed the necessary inspection to continue moving further to customers and are waiting for it. Next week, even worse indicators are expected because last week only five vessels passed the entrance inspection," the association added.

During the 46th week of operation of the "grain corridor", the most exported were:

maize (80% of exports during this period);


wheat (7%);

sunflower press cake (7%).

Ukrainian products went to China, Turkey, Spain, Italy and France.

A total of 32.0 million tons of food was exported from 1 August 2022 to 18 June 2023, since the beginning of the "grain initiative".

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