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Russia steps up production of Kalibr and Kh-101 missiles by 3-4 times – Ukrainian Defence Intelligence

Friday, 23 June 2023, 10:56
Russia steps up production of Kalibr and Kh-101 missiles by 3-4 times – Ukrainian Defence Intelligence

Russia has expanded the production of Kalibr and Kh-101 missiles by three- to four-fold and improved the use of missile weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Source: Major General Vadym Skibitskyi, Deputy Chief of Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence, in an interview with RBC-Ukraine

Quote: "Indeed, the production of these missiles you mentioned [Kalibr and Kh-101 – ed.] has increased. By about 3-4 times. So, the Russians produce about forty or thirty missiles [a month], depending on the type. They produce fewer Kinzhals [hypersonic ballistic missiles – ed.], up to six units [a month]. The production level is now even slightly higher than before the [full-scale] war".


Details: He added that Russia had used a significant number of missiles from its stockpile from October to January.

Quote: "If we analyse, March and April were quiet – I won't say calm – but the use of missile weapons was the lowest since October.

The occupiers have amassed their reserves, resumed production of most items, and changed or even improved their tactics of using missile weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles. We saw the results of these efforts in May, especially if we look at the figures concerning UAVs. They have been used the most since October last year."


More details: Skibitskyi also commented on the emergence of the Bal system in Russia’s Bryansk Oblast (this fires a Kh-35 Soviet turbojet subsonic cruise missile, launched from surface ships and coastal defence batteries)

He said that intelligence has evidence that Russia has been actively working to modernise these Bals and gain the ability to use them against ground targets.

Read also: Russia's military-industrial complex is gaining momentum. Where does the money come from, and who helps Russia produce missiles?

Quote: "Again, the Bal and the Bastion [coastal defence missile] systems were used both in the Crimean Peninsula and Kherson Oblast to hit ground targets. However, the effectiveness of such use was low because these systems are designed primarily to combat maritime targets. Bal is an anti-ship system and, therefore, it's ineffective against land targets.

However, at the same time, we have evidence that the Russians have been working very actively to modernise this system and be able to use it against ground targets. This issue is being monitored, it is really relevant, and it can be one of the threats to our cities and civilians."

Background: In early June, Yurii Ihnat, spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, told UP that Russia continues to receive components and produce missiles.

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