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Informant who "leaked" coordinates of Ukrainian military near South Ukrainian NPP to Russia detained in Mykolaiv Oblast

Monday, 26 June 2023, 13:04

Police officers have arrested a resident of Yuzhnoukrainsk, who passed information about the military guarding the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant  (SUNPP) to Russia.

Source: press service of the prosecutor general's office.

According to the investigation, a pro-Russian citizen used the Telegram messaging app to transmit information about the location of the military personnel who protected and defended the SUNPP.


In June, he photographed the checkpoints of the Defence Forces in the city three times and sent a photo with relevant coordinates to a Russian representative.

The man was rewarded for completing such "missions".

During the search, police officers seized a mobile phone containing evidence of the man's cooperation with a Russian representative.


The informant was issued with a notice of suspicion regarding the unauthorised dissemination of information about the movement and location of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Currently, he remains in custody.

The Security Service of Ukraine is carrying out out the pre-trial investigation. 

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