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Russian propagandists falsely claim fighting is taking place in Kharkiv Oblast in the wake of Wagner Group mutiny in Russia

Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 17:12

Following the Wagner Group mutiny in Russia over the course of 23-24 June, Russian propagandists have started spreading fake news that Russian forces have allegedly "captured" the city of Vovchansk and that there are ongoing battles for the village of Ruska Lozova in Kharkiv Oblast. In reality, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are in full control of the front in Kharkiv Oblast.

Source: Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, in a comment to Ukrinform

Quote: "In order to destabilise the situation in the liberated territories of Kharkiv Oblast, the enemy frequently tries to feed fake information about the capture of certain settlements to the media. None of this information is grounded in reality.


Only trust information from official sources. As of today, 29 settlements in Kharkiv Oblast remain under [Russian] occupation. Enemy forces have made no recent gains in Kharkiv Oblast.

Our defence forces are firmly holding their positions and have not surrendered a single centimetre of our land.

The enemy forces have not abandoned their plans to capture Kharkiv Oblast and are constantly trying to test our defence; to this end, they are deploying sabotage and reconnaissance groups. But all their attempts to improve their tactical positions are met with decisive pushback from the Ukrainian Armed Forces and are unsuccessful. The enemy forces are suffering losses of personnel and equipment."


Details: Russian media outlets started sharing fake news about fighting in Vovchansk and the city’s capture by Russian forces, as well as hostilities in Ruska Lozova, on 27 June. Russian propaganda operatives are claiming that Wagner Group convoys that were driving towards Moscow "turned off towards Belgorod and crossed [Russia’s] border with Kharkiv Oblast". They are also falsely alleging that Russian forces have captured Vovchansk and that the battle for Ruska Lozova is ongoing.

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