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Russia adds Ukrainian businessman Cherniak to list of terrorists and extremists

Monday, 10 July 2023, 19:33
Russia adds Ukrainian businessman Cherniak to list of terrorists and extremists

Rosfinmonitoring [Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation – ed.] has added Yevhen Cherniak, a Ukrainian businessman, founder of the international alcohol holding Global Spirits and the Khortytsia distillery, to the list of terrorists and extremists.

Source: website of Rosfinmonitoring

Details: Earlier, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a case against the international alcohol holding Global Spirits and put its beneficiary, Yevhen Cherniak, on the wanted list.


The investigation believes that Cherniak and "other persons" conspired to transfer 500 million roubles [about US$5.5 million – ed.] to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other Ukrainian units. They also believe that Cherniak supplied military goods worth 90 million roubles [about U$1 million – ed.] to Ukraine.

Ukrainian businessman Yevhen Cherniak is the CEO of the Global Spirits holding.

Global Spirits owns a number of alcoholic beverage production facilities, including Khortytsia distillery and Odesa Cognac Factory. The Crimean Wine House plant has not been owned by Global Spirits since 2014.


According to the Russian media, in 2011-2022, the Russian distilleries Russkiy Sever and Rodnik were closely affiliated with the holding, but in 2022 these assets were withdrawn from the Global Spirits brand.

Update: Following the publication of the news, a representative of the Global Spirits PR service contacted Ukrainska Pravda to deny that the company supposedly has employees or operates in Russia.

Quote: "This is a hostile propaganda absurdity. Global Spirits has never been in Russia and cannot be now. No cases have been opened against any of its employees in the Russian Federation. And, of course, no one has been detained. This is a primitive lie. 

Since 2014, Global Spirits has been subject to a sanction banning the supply of products to the Russian market. And now, when you turn on a VPN, you can see this resolution on the website of their supervisory authority. The sanction, which has been in place for nine years, was one of the first to ban the supply of Ukrainian vodka and beer. One document prohibits both the supply and the sale of [our] products. Accordingly, the goods could not be supplied to the Russian market in any form.

On 24 February 2022, Global Spirits withdrew its licence to produce brands in Russia, as did many other Ukrainian manufacturers. This is the only possible procedure under which a licence can be terminated earlier than the established term. Global Spirits did so in the same way as all American and European companies that have decided to leave the market of the aggressor country."

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