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US agrees the wording proposed for NATO decision on Ukraine

Tuesday, 11 July 2023, 13:39

The United States has agreed with the wording offered for the decision of the NATO summit on Ukraine, although the exact wording is not known for certain.

Source: This was stated by US President Joe Biden in his comment to the press next to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, reports the correspondent of European Pravda 

Quote: "We agree on the language that you proposed relative to the future of Ukraine being able to join NATO," Biden said, without mentioning other details. 


Details: Stoltenberg previously reiterated that at the summit NATO allies plan to send a signal to Ukraine that they will support it as much as necessary, and that they "agree on a united and positive signal" regarding the prospects for Ukraine's accession to NATO.

According to media reports, in the evening before the summit, NATO Allies still did not have an agreed decision on what the wording of the summit communiqué will be on Ukraine and its Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

On the morning of 11 July, Stoltenberg stated that he was confident that the summit communiqué regarding Ukraine's membership, which was to be adopted in a few hours, will contain positive language.


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