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Crimean Bridge is a Ukrainian target which should be neutralised – Zelenskyy

Friday, 21 July 2023, 22:27
Crimean Bridge is a Ukrainian target which should be neutralised – Zelenskyy

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that the Crimean Bridge is a legitimate target for Ukraine because Russian invaders use it to transport weapons. This target should be neutralised, the president has said.

Source: Zelenskyy on a video call with the Aspen Security Forum

Quote from Zelenskyy: "The objective is to reclaim the whole of Crimea because it is our sovereign territory... The Crimean Bridge is not just a logistical road. This is the route used to feed the war with ammunition … and it militarises the Crimean peninsula.


For us, this is understandably an enemy facility, built outside the law, outside  international laws and all applicable laws, so understandably this is our objective, and any objective any target that carries war, not peace, has to be neutralised."

Details: Zelenskyy also stressed that Ukraine's counteroffensive is progressing more slowly than expected, as the operation began later than originally planned: "Because we started a little bit later... this provided Russia with time to mine all our lands and build several lines of defence."

The President said that despite the difficulties, Ukraine is moving forward.


Quote from Zelenskyy: "We did not want to lose our people, our personnel, and our servicemen didn’t want to lose equipment and because of that, they were quite cautious about their offensive actions. Still, I would say that we are approaching the moment when relevant actions can gain pace because we are already going through some mined locations and we are demining these areas."

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