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Russia failed long ago in its objective of wiping Ukraine off the map – US Secretary of State

Sunday, 23 July 2023, 20:27
Russia failed long ago in its objective of wiping Ukraine off the map – US Secretary of State

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken believes that Russia "has already lost the war" in Ukraine, given the goals that Russia set for itself at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

Source: Blinken in an interview for CNN; European Pravda

Quote: "The objective was to erase Ukraine from the map, to eliminate its independence, its sovereignty, to subsume it into Russia. That failed a long time ago."


Details: Blinken stressed that, unlike the Russians, "Ukrainians are fighting for their land, for their future, for their country, for their freedom."

Background: In the same interview, Blinken stated that the US believes Ukraine's counteroffensive will continue for at least a few more months.

He added that during the counteroffensive operations, the Armed Forces of Ukraine faced significant resistance.


"These are still relatively early days of a counteroffensive. It's hard. It won't be completed in the next week or two," Blinken added.

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