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Zaluzhnyi speaks to US General Milley about situation on contact line, upcoming plans and need for ammunition

Thursday, 17 August 2023, 20:06
Zaluzhnyi speaks to US General Milley about situation on contact line, upcoming plans and need for ammunition
photo: Zaluzhnyi's Telegram

Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, had a telephone conversation with General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States. Zaluzhnyi shared the plans of the Ukrainian forces and outlined the possible actions of the Russians, as well as emphasised the need for ammunition and other weapons.

Source: Zaluzhnyi on Telegram

Quote: "I spoke about the operational situation at the contact line and our plans for the near, medium and more distant prospects. I also informed General Milley in detail about the plans and possible actions of the Russian invaders."

Details: In addition, the military leaders discussed the current needs of the Ukrainian troops for ammunition, weapons, mine clearance equipment, air defence and electronic warfare systems.

Zaluzhnyi thanked the allies for the logistical assistance already provided. "We continue to consolidate efforts to defeat the aggressor," he said.

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