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Russia bans entry to ICC prosecutor Karim Khan who was put on country's wanted list earlier

Friday, 18 August 2023, 20:53

The Russian Foreign Ministry has published a statement on Friday, 18 August, reporting on the implementation of a list of measures in response to "London's aggressive execution of a hostile anti-Russian trajectory".

Source: European Pravda with reference to the statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry

Details: Moscow announced the expansion of the so-called stop list – that is, a list of people who are banned from entering Russia. Now it includes 54 citizens of the United Kingdom.

Among them are UK Minister of Culture Lucy Frazer, "who actively lobbies for the isolation of Russia in international sports," and Deputy Defence Minister Annabel Goldie, "responsible for the supply of weapons to Ukraine, in particular depleted uranium shells".

Also under Russian "sanctions" are Karim Khan, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, a number of journalists from the BBC, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph, as well as the leadership of several PR organisations.

The Russian Foreign Ministry finally promised to continue the "decisive rebuff" of the UK.

Earlier on Friday, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to the reduction in the number of embassy employees in Moldova, banned "a number of Moldovan officials" from entering Russia.

It should be noted that Moscow regularly announces such "sanctions" against citizens of Western states who support Ukraine in its struggle against the illegal full-scale invasion.

It is ironic that the ICC prosecutor Khan, who was previously declared wanted in Russia, fell under the latest sanctions.

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