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Russia hit Chernihiv during drone manufacturers and aerial reconnaissance gathering

Saturday, 19 August 2023, 15:14
Russia hit Chernihiv during drone manufacturers and aerial reconnaissance gathering

Russian forces launched a missile attack on the Chernihiv Music and Drama Theatre when a gathering of drone manufacturers and aerial reconnaissance training schools was held there as part of the Liuti Ptashky (Furious Birds) demo day, although only the event’s participants knew the exact location.

Source: Furious Birds demo day announcement; Mariia Berlinska, founder of the NGO Air Reconnaissance Support Centre and the author of the film Invisible Battalion; Valerii Borovyk, a serviceman from the Kulchytskyi Battalion of Ukraine’s National Guard 

Details: Birds of Fury gathered in Chernihiv at 10:00 on Saturday.


At 11:30, an explosion rang out in Chernihiv.

A Russian missile hit the Taras Shevchenko Chernihiv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre, located on the central square.

National Guard serviceman Valerii Borovyk reported that the drama theatre’s second floor was actually destroyed.


Mariia Berlinska wrote that everyone who had taken shelter was safe, including her. However, some people went outside.

The co-organiser of the event later added: "No, this is not a commercial event, it's a closed meeting of engineers, military and volunteers on military technology for the battlefield."

Quote from Berlinska: "The event was officially agreed upon in advance with the local authorities, and they provided the venue.

The announcement of the event was available to the public. But the specific place was announced only (!) to registered and verified participants a few hours before the event. All information about the participants has been provided to the relevant authorities.

We are currently cooperating with Ukraine’s Security Service and providing all the necessary information needed for an operational investigation."

Details: Kremlin-aligned news agency RIA Novosti also confirmed that the Russians had targeted the drone conference. Civilians sustained injuries during the attack.

Background: On the morning of 19 August, Russian troops hit the centre of Chernihiv with a ballistic missile. As of now, there is information about six people killed and 42 affected.

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