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Unknown people change place names on Open StreetMap maps in Moscow

Monday, 21 August 2023, 11:39

On 21 August, unknown people changed some place names in Moscow on the maps of the non-profit web mapping project Open StreetMap.

The changes remain valid as of 11:00, 21 August.

The centre of Moscow has "suffered" the most.

In particular, the map now reads "Rouble [Russian national currency – ed.] is dead", "Rashka [a derogatory form of the name of Russia – ed.] is dying", "More than 250,000 dead Russians in the special military operation [this is how Russian authorities call their war against Ukraine – ed.]", "Putin has scr**ed up the country", etc.

OSM positions itself as "a free geographic database updated and maintained by a community of volunteers".

OpenStreetMap uses the Wikipedia principle to create the map, meaning that every registered user can make changes to the map.


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