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EU says Russia wants to create new dependencies using cheap grain

Thursday, 3 August 2023, 09:57

The European Union has warned developing countries that Russia is offering cheap grain "to create new dependencies by exacerbating economic vulnerabilities and global food insecurity".

Source: Reuters, citing a letter written by Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Borrell called on developing countries and the G20 to speak with a "clear and unified voice" to force Moscow to return to the Black Sea Grain Initiative and stop attacks on Ukraine's agricultural infrastructure.

"As the world deals with disrupted supplies and higher prices, Russia is now approaching vulnerable countries with bilateral offers of grain shipments at discounted prices, pretending to solve a problem it created itself," Borrell emphasised.

He called the actions of the Russian Federation a "cynical policy of deliberately using food as a weapon."

He added that Russia is trying to create new dependencies by increasing economic vulnerability and global food insecurity.

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy emphasised that the EU will "continue to support the tireless efforts" of the UN and Türkiye to restore the grain deal.


  • On 17 July, Russia announced the suspension of the grain deal and threatened "risks" to parties that decide to continue the initiative without the participation of the Russian Federation.

Read also: "We Can Get Russia to Resume Its Participation in Grain Deal With Unified Voice." Column of EU Top Diplomat

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