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Russia forces Ukrainians under occupation to acquire Russian citizenship – study

Thursday, 3 August 2023, 11:17
Russia forces Ukrainians under occupation to acquire Russian citizenship – study

The Russian occupation "authorities" are forcing Ukrainians to acquire Russian citizenship, threatening them with deportation to the Russian Federation. Passportisation also provides an excuse for the further development of the Kremlin's imperial ambitions. 

Source: European Pravda with reference to a Conflict Observatory study with the support of the US State Department 

Details: Matthew Miller, State Department spokesman, says the study details a disturbing campaign to force Ukrainian residents to accept Russian citizenship. 

"Those who refuse to do so face limited access to public services, employment and property ownership, with implications for their mobility, health and livelihoods," he said. 

Miller adds: "Parents who refuse to register their children for Russian citizenship face reduced access to parental benefits. Some parents have been threatened with losing custody of their children and possible deportation to Russia." 

"Passportisation also provides a pretext to further the Kremlin's imperial ambitions, ostensibly to defend the citizens it claims beyond its borders. This is a long-standing tactic, as seen in areas that Russia occupies within the internationally recognized borders of Georgia," Miller noted. 

He also emphasised that: "State-sanctioned intimidation will not change the facts: every inch of Ukraine’s territory is and will remain Ukraine," while "Ukrainians living under Russian occupation in Ukraine are – and will remain – Ukrainian citizens." 

"The United States reminds Russia of its obligations under international law, and we call again on Russian leadership to end this illegal war," Miller concluded. 


Before this, UK Defence Intelligence reported that the forced distribution of Russian passports to Ukrainians who found themselves under occupation is an attempt to "tie" these territories to Russia and demonstrate the alleged success of the invasion.

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