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Soldier with 40 fragments of Russian mine stuck in his body treated in Lviv

Thursday, 31 August 2023, 16:00

A 36-year old Ukrainian soldier who got severely injured in the city of Bakhmut in Donetsk Oblast is undergoing treatment in the city of Lviv in the west of Ukraine.

Forty mine fragments got stuck in his body, but he miraculously survived.

Source: First Medical Union of Lviv


Pavlo Pastukh from Lviv Oblast was working abroad before the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine, but after 24 February 2022 decided to come back and defend his homeland.

In January during heavy fighting near Bakhmut a few Ukrainian soldiers got injured. Pavlo and his two fellow soldiers wanted to help. When they got to one of the injured soldiers, they hit a mine. Everyone but Pavlo died in the explosion.

Photo: Nezlamni (Unbroken) Rehabilitation Centre

Medics recall that the mine fragments almost went right through Pavlo’s body, even his lungs. His legs, arms, stomach and internal organs were torn. Yet he put compression bandages on his own wounds and headed towards the Ukrainian positions.


"The Russians were trying to finish our defender off while he was on his way. A drone was following him and adjusting the fire of the Russians, yet none of the Russian mines struck the target. Fellow soldiers from a neighbouring position, Nimets [‘German’] and Doc, helped the soldier with 40 fragments stuck in his body," the medics from the First Medical Union write.

After that, medics in five different settlements fought for Pavlo’s life: Chesiv Yar, Druzhkivka, Dnipro, Kyiv and finally in Lviv.

Pavlo’s rehabilitation process

Surgeons from Lviv have removed mine fragments from Pavlo’s left shoulder and right leg after the diagnostics. Yet they had to leave two fragments in his liver since it is too dangerous to remove them now.

"At the moment they [fragments – ed.] are not moving and are harmless for the patient, but require observation," the medics add.

A 50-year old soldier Dmytro Yarmolchuk who managed to get out of a burning combat vehicle before it exploded during a Russian attack is also undergoing rehabilitation in Lviv.

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