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Czechia and France condemn latest Russian missile attack on blood transfusion centre among other targets

Sunday, 6 August 2023, 19:19

Czechia and France have reacted to the latest Russian large-scale missile attacks on several Ukrainian cities targeting a blood transfusion centre in Kharkiv Oblast.

Source: European Pravda

Quote: "The attack on the blood transfusion unit in the Kharkiv region is further proof of the Russian inhumane behaviour. Those who are responsible for this act of terrorism must be punished, and Czechia will put all efforts into that," Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said.

Details: The French Foreign Ministry in its statement "strongly condemns" Russia's large-scale missile attacks on 5-6 August targeting a blood transfusion centre in Kharkiv Oblast, and emphasises that deliberate targeting of civilian facilities is a war crime.

Paris added that France, together with other allies, will continue to help Ukraine further exercise its right to self-defence, as well as support the efforts of Ukrainian authorities and the International Criminal Court to bring people involved in Russian war crimes to justice.

Background: Ukrainian Air Defence Forces, repelling Russian attacks from the evening of 5 August to the morning of 6 August, destroyed 13 Kalibr cruise missiles, 17 Kh-101/Kh-555 and 27 Shahed-136/131 combat drones. The Russians used a total of 70 projectiles in the air attack.

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