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Not meteor, but Russian space waste: fiery "meteorite" seen flying over Australia

Tuesday, 8 August 2023, 17:40

Around midnight on 8 August, a mysterious ray of light was seen in the skies from Melbourne. 

The Australian Space Agency noted that this object of space debris is the remains of a Russian rocket, writes the Guardian.

Users posted videos on social networks, arguing whether it was a meteor, a comet or space debris.

Scientists in Australia have noted that metal and plastic emanate a bright yellow light during combustion, while the burning of stone meteors  would be green or blue.

Therefore, they suggest that a large strip of light, which fell apart into pieces, was caused by the Russian Soyuz rocket. It was launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, north of Moscow, on 7 August. The rocket’s mission was to bring a navigation satellite into space.

The Soyuz weighs 105 tonnes and is 25 metres long. The rocket began to fall from an extremely high altitude due to lack of fuel. This happened quite quickly: it overcame the sound barrier, so people not only heard its approach, but also felt the vibration.

The agency noted that this is not the first time that a Russian rocket fell near Australia. This also happened previously, in 2020.

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