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Ukrainians win 6 medals on first day of Invictus Games

Monday, 11 September 2023, 11:07

Ukraine has won six medals on the first day of the Invictus Games, an international competition for veterans in Düsseldorf.

They added one gold, three silver and two bronze medals to their medal haul, as the Ukrainian team's website says.

The participants competed in track and field athletics, powerlifting and the opening wheelchair rugby matches.


Oleksandr Makovei won gold in the shot put in the IF8 category.

Oleksandr Makovei at the competition. Photo: Invictus Games: Team Ukraine

Volodymyr Hera won a silver medal in the shot put in the IF7 category, and Mykola Zaritskyi won a silver medal in the discus throw in the IF1 category.


Volodymyr Hera at the competition


Maksym Zubov also won silver in the IP6 powerlifting category.

Vadym Maznichenko won bronze in the shot put in the IF6 category and Volodymyr Tovkys in the discus throw in the IF2 category.


Vadym Maznichenko

Ukrainian paramedic Yulia Paievska (Taira) also took part in the powerlifting competition. She took 12th place out of the medal count in the IP3 category among women.

Taira after the performance

The Ukrainian wheelchair rugby team played as part of a combined team with representatives of the UK, USA and South Korea.

They defeated Italy but lost to the UK. There is still a match against France ahead.

For reference: Wounded servicemen take part in the Invictus Games. The first such competitions took place in 2014, but it was only in 2017 that Ukrainians were able to participate for the first time.

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