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Russia considers charging Ukraine for "water blockade" of secret facilities in Crimea

Wednesday, 13 September 2023, 14:20

The "court proceeding" of the so-called "water blockade" case in Russia has been made closed since it will contain information about water supply to "secret facilities".

Source: Russian Interfax agency with reference to the "arbitration court" meeting held in occupied Crimea

The occupying authorities located in Crimea, the so-called "Council of Ministers" as well as the "Ministries", involved as third persons, requested that the process be closed.


"A government representative has explained that it must be done because the materials about operations of secret facilities will be considered during the proceeding," Interfax reports.

Later, the occupiers also plan to charge Ukraine for the "damage" it caused by its energy, food and transport "blockades".

At the moment, Crimea is not being supplied with water again due to the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant by the Russians.



On 5 June at night, the Russian occupiers blew up the Kakhovka HPP, destroying the engine room and the dam.

After that, Andrii Syhuta, the so-called "head" of the Melitopol district in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, claimed that the water from the Kakhovka reservoir did not reach the North-Crimean Channel anymore.

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