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USA's goal is to prevent Russia from achieving strategic success in Ukraine – Blinken

Thursday, 14 September 2023, 06:38
USA's goal is to prevent Russia from achieving strategic success in Ukraine – Blinken

The USA’s goal is to prevent Russia from achieving strategic success in its aggression against Ukraine, as well as to help Ukraine "stand on its own feet" in military, economic, and democratic spheres.

Source: press service of the US Department of State, citing US Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Quote: "The ultimate objective, really, Tommy [the person who asked the question – ed.], is two-fold. First, of course, is to deny Russia any kind of strategic success in Ukraine, because if we don’t then, as I said, it’s open invitation for aggressors everywhere.  


And already it’s really important to note that Russia has failed in what it was trying to accomplish, because its goal, as I said, was to erase Ukraine from the map, to end its identity as an independent country, to subsume it into Russia. That’s already failed."

Details: Blinken also noted that the US intends to "maximise the ability" of Ukrainians to liberate all those territories occupied by Russia. Blinken added that Russia still controls about 17 percent of Ukraine’s territory.

In addition, Blinken said the US’s goal is also to ensure stability in Ukraine.

"This is not a recipe for some kind of indefinite support by the entire world to keep Ukraine going. It’s getting Ukraine to a point where militarily, economically, democratically it can stand strongly on its own," Blinken added.

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