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Russia's concessions to Ukraine unacceptable – Biden in the UN General Assembly

Tuesday, 19 September 2023, 18:32
Russia's concessions to Ukraine unacceptable – Biden in the UN General Assembly
Joe Biden. Photo: Getty Images

Joe Biden, US President, has called the concessions to Russia against the international law for ending the war in Ukraine unacceptable. He said this during his speech at the UN General Assembly session. He stressed that it would undermine the international legal order.

Source: European Pravda

Biden stressed that such fundamental principles as sovereignty, territorial integrity and human rights must not change.


He reminded the public that Russia has been waging the full-scale war of conquest against Ukraine for the second year in a row.

 "Like every nation in the world, the US wants this war to end. No nation wants this war to end more than Ukraine… Russia alone bears the responsibility for this war. Russia alone has the power to end this war immediately, and Russia alone stands in the way of peace. Because Russia’s price for peace is Ukraine’s surrender, Ukraine’s territories and Ukraine’s children," Biden stressed.

 "If we abandon the core principles of the UN Stature to appease aggression, can any member state in this lobby be confident that they are protected? If we allow Ukraine to get cut up, is the independence of any nation secure? The answer is no. We have to stand up to this direct aggression today to deter potential aggressors tomorrow," Biden added.


The audience met these words with long ovations.  

Background: Simultaneously, Ukraine’s Defence Contact Group meeting is held in Germany. At this meeting, head of the Pentagon Lloyd Austin called upon the allies to supply Ukraine with as many air defence means as possible before winter starts.

Meanwhile, he did not express his opinion concerning Ukraine’s request to supply it with long-range ATACMS missiles.

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