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Candidate removed from elections to Polish Senate apologises to Putin for calling him war criminal

Saturday, 2 September 2023, 17:44

On Saturday 2 September, Małgorzata Zych, a political candidate from the Polish People’s Party (PSL), ousted from the elections, apologised to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin for calling him a war criminal.

Source: This was reported by Polsat News, writes European Pravda

Details: Earlier, Zych published a statement on social networks, in which she condemned Putin's actions, calling them a crime, and thus fulfilled the ultimatum of the party chairman to get on the electoral list.


However, on Friday, it was revealed that Małgorzata Zych would not run for the Senate neither from the PSL, nor from another opposition force that had concluded an electoral Senate pact among themselves.

On Saturday, she posted another post on social networks in which she denied that Russian President Vladimir Putin was a war criminal and even apologised to him for calling him that in her previous statement.

Quote: "It does not correspond to the values of a democratic rule of law and Christian values   to call Russian President Vladimir Putin a 'war criminal,' since there is still no verdict of the International Criminal Court, by which he is accused of illegally exporting children from the occupied territories of Ukraine to Russia," she wrote.


"It is also impossible to condemn another person, because only God can do it. Everyone, while alive, has the right to conversion and salvation. Therefore, in order to have a clear conscience, I apologise to Russian President Vladimir Putin for calling him a 'war criminal' in my statement of 30 August this year."

It should be noted that Małgorzata Zych ran for election to the Polish Senate in 2019 on the list of the far-right party Konfederacja (Confederation) and worked closely with the deputy of the group, Grzegorz Braun, known for scandalous Ukrainophobic statements.

In addition, journalists point out that in 2019 Zych was a co-organizer of the conference "Stop Ukrainisation of Poland."

In her last tweet, after being removed from the electoral lists, the politician rhetorically asked the Ambassador of Ukraine Vasyl Zvarych whether he recognized the OUN/UPA (Ukrainian nationalistic organisation) "a criminal organisation, and Stepan Bandera (the OUN founder and its leader in the 1940s – ed.) as a criminal."

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