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Pilot version of 5G may be launched in Ukraine in 2024 – Digital Transformation Minister

Thursday, 21 September 2023, 18:21

The Ministry of Digital Transformation announces the launch of a pilot version of 5G technology next year.

Source: Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation, in an interview with  

Quote: "We are currently working on 5G, negotiating with one company. I hope we will launch the pilot next year," Fedorov said.


Details: At the same time, the Ministry of Digital Transformation is also working on improving 4G.

Quote: "During the full-scale war, a lot of equipment was moved to strengthen certain oblasts. Communication has been deteriorating over the past year. However, the situation is changing," Fedorov said.



The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a plan for the development of 5G technology in Ukraine back in the pandemic year 2020.

Then, the Ministry of Digital Transformation expected that in 2021, it would be possible to deploy 5G pilot zones to test the technology.

Using 5G, the Internet speed increases by 10-20 times, and it is possible to connect more devices on the same platform that use the Internet.

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