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World of Tanks creators launch project to support Ukraine

Wednesday, 18 October 2023, 19:56

Wargaming, one of the world's largest game developers, with an audience of over 200 million users, and the creator of the game World of Tanks, is launching charity project #WargamingUnited to support Ukrainian medics.

Source: United24 initiative, founded by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Details: The developers added unique Ukrainian-themed sets to six games. The company will use all profits from selling this content through United24 to purchase specialised C-type ambulances.


"By purchasing customised Ukrainian kits, players receive valuable in-game items and, at the same time, help save thousands of lives," the message reads.

The initiative lasts from 18 October to 1 November.


Background: Ukraine announced the launch of the United24 global initiative in May 2022, the first component of which is an online fundraising platform. 

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