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Turning point in history: Biden explains why billions should be spent on wars in his address

Friday, 20 October 2023, 05:48
Turning point in history: Biden explains why billions should be spent on wars in his address

US President Joe Biden called this moment in history an "inflection point" in his address to the nation on Thursday, a battle between the world's democracies and autocracies. 

Source: CNN

Details: Speaking directly to the American people, he said this was such a moment as he sought to drum up support for funding the wars in Ukraine and Israel.


Biden compared this month's events in Israel to the nearly 20 months of war in Ukraine. The US president said that supporting both wars in Israel and Ukraine was "vital for America's national security".

Biden explained that military assistance to Ukraine helps create jobs in America: "Let me be clear about something. We send Ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles. And when we use the money allocated by Congress, we use it to replenish our own stores, our own stockpiles, with new equipment. Equipment that defends America and is made in America."

He warned his fellow citizens that US adversaries and competitors are "watching".


Biden spoke out against Islamophobia and antisemitism, which have increased in recent days. He appealed to those affected by it: "And I want to say this to you: You’re all America. You’re all America."

The US President recalled his recent trip to Israel, where he met with Israeli officials and reaffirmed his support for the country. He said that while there, he "saw a people who are strong, determined, resilient, and also angry, in shock and in deep, deep pain."

He also reiterated his pledge to bring American hostages home to America, saying that "there is no higher priority for me than the safety of Americans held hostage."

In addition, Biden reaffirmed his support for a two-state solution, saying that "Israel and Palestinians equally deserve to live in security, dignity and peace".

The US president sought to draw a clear distinction between Hamas and the Palestinian people. He said that the militant group "does not represent the Palestinian people" and accused it of using Palestinians "as human shields". He said that he was "heartbroken by the tragic loss of Palestinian life" and added that the US "remains committed to the Palestinian people's right to dignity and to self-determination".


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