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Russian attacks and damage to power grid cut off consumers in 7 oblasts from power supply

Saturday, 21 October 2023, 15:08

Consumers in seven oblasts have been cut off from the power supply due to Russian attacks and technological disruptions, with about 10,000 customers in Kyiv experiencing power outages.

Source: press service of the Ukrainian Energy Ministry

Quote: "388 consumers in Kyiv Oblast were cut off from power due to technological disruptions. Repair works are underway. A 110 kV line is out of service in Chernihiv Oblast due to protection measures, cutting power supply from seven settlements. All of them have been resupplied through backup lines, and repair work is underway," the statement said.


Details: A 110 kV line in Lviv Oblast was also disabled due to adverse weather conditions, but consumers were not cut off from power.

2,700 consumers were left without the power supply in the city of Kherson due to persistent Russian attacks. Some consumers in Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Chernihiv oblasts also lost power.

A total of almost 13,000 consumers were reconnected to the power grid over the past 24 hours. Most of them are in Donetsk Oblast.


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