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United24 to buy demining equipment for 100 engineering and demining units

Saturday, 21 October 2023, 18:28

Over 100 engineering and demining units will be equipped with demining equipment for the funds collected within the United24, the Ukrainian government initiative raising money for the needs of the military.

Source: Ukraine's Ministry of Economy

Reportedly, more than 100 engineering and demining units of the State Transport Special Service will be equipped with demining equipment purchased for the funds that have been sent to the account of the Ministry of Economy to finance humanitarian demining activities within the United24 platform.


Additionally, an operative heavy duty mine clearing vehicle for transporting explosives will be purchased. The car will be placed at the disposal of demolition experts of the State Emergency Service.

More than US$973,000 was allocated for these needs.

It is added that the collected funds will be used to purchase metal detectors, bags for sappers and deminers, and first aid kits for bomb disposal experts. About 500 sappers of the State Transport Special Service, who have recently completed their training, will be able to receive all the equipment.


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