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Russia attack Ukraine with drones overnight

Wednesday, 25 October 2023, 04:00
Russia attack Ukraine with drones overnight
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The Ukrainian Air Force issued air-raid warnings in a number of regions of Ukraine late in the evening of 24 October. These were extended to the west of the country at around 04:00. Then the all-clear was given, but air-raid sirens sounded again in Kherson and Mykolaiv oblasts at 05:11.

Source: Ukrainian Air Force on Telegram

Details: As of 23:49, an air-raid warning was issued in Cherkasy, Poltava, Kharkiv and Donetsk oblast. The Air Force warned of a risk of missile attacks.  


At 00:00 an air-raid warning was issued in Kyiv Oblast.

An air-raid warning was issued in Mykolaiv, Kherson and Vinnytsia oblasts due to drone threats at around 00:30.

It was also raised in Khmelnytskyi and Zhytomyr oblasts at around 01:00.

The air-raid warning was extended to Kirovohrad Oblast at 01:16.

Мапа повітряних тривог станом на 1.16
An air-raid warning map as of 01:16

The warning covered Rivne and Ternopil oblasts at around 04:00.

The all-clear was given in all oblasts at 04:04.

An air-raid warning was issued again in Kherson and Mykolaiv oblasts at 05:11.

Background: On the evening of 24 October, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that a Russian UAV was moving in the air space between Kharkiv and Poltava oblasts in Ukraine.

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