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Three Kh-59 air missiles shot down in Mykolaiv Oblast

Friday, 27 October 2023, 19:00
Three Kh-59 air missiles shot down in Mykolaiv Oblast
stock photo: ARMIFLOT.RU

Three Kh-59 guided air missiles and two Lancet attack drones were destroyed in the south of Ukraine on 27 October.

Source: press service of Air Command Pivden (South)

Quote: "On 27 October 2023, as a result of combat operations by the air defence assets and personnel of Air Command Pivden, the following were destroyed:

  • in Mykolaiv Oblast - three Kh-59 guided air missiles;
  • in Kherson Oblast - two Lancet attack drones."
Air targets downed on 27 October 2023
Photo: press service of Air Command Pivden (South)

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