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We have a clear idea of what the "end of the war" looks like – Ukrainian President's Office

Friday, 3 November 2023, 17:20
We have a clear idea of what the end of the war looks like – Ukrainian President's Office
Stock photo: Ukraine's President's Office

Mykhailo Podoliak, Advisor to the Head of the President's Office, has said that an increase in arms supplies should lead to Ukraine achieving technological superiority on the battlefield, despite the difficulties of the current stage of the war.

Source: Podoliak on Twitter (X)

Quote: "Ukraine's goals and strategies are obvious and understandable, and we have a clear understanding of what the 'end of the war' looks like, despite all the difficulties in the current stage of the war.


Increasing the supply of weapons to achieve technological superiority on the battlefield. Significant tactical defeats for Russia. The collapse of Russian defence orders."

Details: Podoliak says that this will result in the uncontrolled return of aggressive mobilised forces to Russia, the collapse of the fundamental myths of Russian propaganda, the final decline of the influence of "Putin’s vertical" inside Russia, Russia's self-isolation, internal unrest, and the replacement of Russia's current elites with elites of the transition period.

He believes that the result of all this will be that Russia will focus on internal problems for a certain period of time and will begin to take the place in the world that it deserves (that of a non-global player), significantly reducing support for global instability, and the opportunity to revive international law and international institutions will return.


  • Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, believes that the war with Russia is moving into a new phase: "positional" warfare with static and attritional fighting. To win, Ukraine needs advanced technologies.

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