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New record set by White Wolves unit of Ukraine's Security Service: 20 Russian targets hit overnight

Thursday, 9 November 2023, 16:37
New record set by White Wolves unit of Ukraine's Security Service: 20 Russian targets hit overnight

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has reported that the Bilyi Vovk ("White Wolf") unit of Special Operations Centre A has set a new record in terms of the number of Russian targets destroyed in one night.

Source: press service of the SSU

Quote: "A new record from the White Wolf unit at Special Operations Centre A: 20 targets destroyed overnight.


Our soldiers have sent the Russian occupiers to hell on earth and dispelled the darkness with the fire of burnt Russian equipment."

Details: According to the SSU, the Russian military equipment destroyed included eight tanks, three Msta-S self-propelled artillery systems, three D-30 howitzers, one armoured vehicle and five fortifications with at least 17 Russian infantrymen.


Read also: Every one in twenty destroyed Russian tanks is down to their work. The story of the Ukrainian Security Service's White Wolf special unit and its commander, Oleh Yemets

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