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Russia to hold Putin's "elections" in Ukraine's occupied territories

Monday, 11 December 2023, 12:16
Russia to hold Putin's elections in Ukraine's occupied territories

Despite the hostilities, the Russian authorities intended to hold presidential "elections" in March 2024 in the occupied Ukrainian territories.

Source: Kremlin-aligned media outlet RIA Novosti

Details: During the consultations, representatives of the Russian Central Committee, the Ministry of Defence and regional authorities concluded that "the holding of presidential elections in new Russian regions is possible" (the Russian Federation has illegally appropriated the captured territories in the south and east of Ukraine and is going to simulate elections there – ed.).


Ella Pamfilova, Head of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, said by 12 December it is necessary to decide on the presidential elections in these territories after consultations with the departments.

The Russian presidential election will be held on 17 March 2024: the Federation Council, the Russian parliament’s upper chamber, adopted the relevant resolution on 7 December, and senators voted for this date unanimously.

The Kremlin has already declared that there is actually "no alternative" to Vladimir Putin.


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