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Air Force on MiG fighters takeoff: Real launches and fake targets, Ukraine’s air defence downs hypersonic missile

Thursday, 14 December 2023, 19:21
Air Force on MiG fighters takeoff: Real launches and fake targets, Ukraine’s air defence downs hypersonic missile
Yurii Ihnat. Photo: Novunarnia

During the take-offs of Russian MiG-31K fighters on 14 December, there were real aeroballistic missile launches and false targets that the Russians simulated with electronic warfare. One Kinzhal hypersonic missile was shot down by air defence in Kyiv Oblast.

Source: Yurii Ihnat, Air Force spokesman, on the air of Kyiv TV channel

Quote: "Today, there were both so-called false targets and the real use of Kh-47M2 Kinzhal aeroballistic missiles from MiG-31K aircraft."


Details: Regarding the explosions in Kyiv Oblast, Ihnat confirmed that it was the response of air defence systems and that one Kinzhal missile was shot down.

Ihnat explained that it is only possible to determine whether an enemy target is a real target or a decoy after the attack, which is why Ukraine’s Air Force always informs the Ukrainian population about which areas are likely to be attacked.

Quote: "A target [i.e., a drone or a missile – ed.] appears and moves through the air. It could be a decoy launched by enemy radar, but it’s not always possible to distinguish between a real target and a decoy straight away. But you have to understand that we have to inform [people] about it straight away. The speed of [Russian munitions] is over 7,000 kilometres per hour. We announce the direction [of the attack], then we determine whether it was a real Kinzhal missile or a decoy. Obviously, enemy forces are using all their technical capabilities to mislead our air defence and observe how it operates. So of course we will continue with our announcements."

Previously: Four air-raid warnings were issued across Ukraine on 14 December after Russian MiG-31K aircraft took off from Russian airfields. Ukraine’s Air Force said missiles were launched during the second, third, and fourth air-raids.

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