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Ukrainians achieved what seemed impossible within year, while Russia grew weaker – US State Secretary

Wednesday, 20 December 2023, 21:08
Ukrainians achieved what seemed impossible within year, while Russia grew weaker – US State Secretary

Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, has noted the resistance of Ukrainians to Russia's full-scale invasion, which he believes failed to achieve its goals, during an end-of-year press conference on Wednesday, 20 December.

Source: European Pravda, citing Ukrinform news agency

Details: Blinken noted that the US will carry on bringing countries together to support Ukraine in order to ensure that Russia's aggression "remains a strategic failure". The official added that Moscow has failed to achieve its primary goal in Ukraine – to erase it from the world map and incorporate it into the Russian Federation.


"It's been a hard year on the battlefield. But once again, Ukrainians have done what no one thought was possible," Ukrinform quoted him as saying.

The US secretary of state stressed that Ukraine is facing one of the world's largest armies and is continuing to liberate its own territory, as well as pushing the Russian fleet out of the Black Sea and building its own sea corridor for food exports.

"Russia is weaker militarily, economically, and diplomatically," Blinken stated.

The official also mentioned that sustained US support is crucial for Ukraine to pursue its fight and ensure Russia's defeat.


Earlier, the French and UK foreign ministers vowed to support Ukraine in its fight against Russian invasion "as long as it takes", with the crucial point being that President Vladimir Putin must lose.

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