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Russia says it intercepted Ukrainian drone over Bryansk Oblast

Friday, 29 December 2023, 20:42
Russia says it intercepted Ukrainian drone over Bryansk Oblast
The Russian Defence Ministry. Photo: RIA Novosti

The Russian Ministry of Defence is claiming that a Ukrainian drone attack was foiled in Bryansk Oblast on Friday 29 December.

Source: Russian Ministry of Defence on Telegram

Details: The Defence Ministry claims that at about 18:00 Moscow time, they foiled an attempt by Ukrainian forces to attack "targets on the territory of the Russian Federation" using an aircraft-type UAV. 


According to the ministry, the Ukrainian drone was intercepted by the Russian air defence system over the territory of Bryansk Oblast. 

Previously: Russia’s Defence Ministry claimed this morning that their air defence system allegedly downed a drone over Kursk Oblast on the night of 28-29 December.

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