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Poland promises "tougher reaction" if Russia violates its airspace again

Friday, 29 December 2023, 22:51

Poland's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Władysław Bartoszewski, after meeting Russian Chargé d'Affaires Andrei Ordash, said that Warsaw would react more harshly to further provocations involving violation of airspace.

Source: Bartoszewski in comments to reporters about the details of the meeting, as reported by European Pravda with reference to

Details: Bartoszewski said that at his meeting with Ordash, he made it clear that "the repetition of such attempts will cause a tougher reaction from the Republic of Poland, as this is a test of our effectiveness and our approach to defence."


"I can assure you that we can respond quickly and effectively if this happens again. I told the Chargé d'Affaires to stop testing the borders of our state," he added.

Bartoszewski said that in the future, if a Russian missile "flies a little further into Polish territory, it will be shot down."

"We have a well-trained army, excellent commanders and an excellent Minister of National Defence, and we will do everything to significantly increase the security of Poland in 2024," the official assured.


The General Staff of the Polish Army previously stated that on Friday 29 December, Polish airspace was violated by a Russian missile. The Polish military found that the missile flew 40 kilometres deep into Poland and returned to Ukraine three minutes after that.

Citing military sources, the Polish TV station Polsat News claimed that it was most likely a Russian cruise missile, either a Kh-22 or a Kh-101, which later flew into Ukraine before being shot down by the country's air defence.

The incident occurred against the backdrop of a massive Russian attack on Ukraine. On the night of 28-29 December, Russia launched a large-scale attack on Ukraine. Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Lviv, Zaporizhzhia and other cities were hit.  There are dead and wounded among the civilian population. 

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