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Costumes of American superheroes to be banned in kindergartens of occupied Crimea during holidays

Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 15:10
Costumes of American superheroes to be banned in kindergartens of occupied Crimea during holidays

Pre-school educational facilities in Crimea have "imposed sanctions" on Hollywood superheroes. Kindergarten directors in the Russian-occupied peninsula have banned parents from choosing costumes such as Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Minions and so on for their children to dress up in at New Year celebrations.

Instead, people in Crimea have been advised to "get inspired by Russian fairy tales" and encourage their children to dress up as bogatyrs [heroes with superhuman strength – ed.] and Snegurochka [the granddaughter of Ded Moroz or Grandfather Frost, the Russian equivalent of Santa Claus – ed.].

Source: Crimea. Realii with reference to Russian media


"It’s our first year in kindergarten, and we’ve been forbidden to dress up as Spiderman or anything like that. Only characters from Russian fairy tales [are allowed]. All the girls, for instance, will be snowflakes," a Russian media outlet quotes a mum from the city of Kerch as saying.

"American superheroes don’t fit with the theme of children’s celebrations and Russian fairy tales," the committee of one kindergarten explained to the Kerch Today Telegram channel.

Some kindergartens went even further: for their celebrations, girls don’t just have to dress as "Russian beauties", their costumes must also include the elements of Gzhel, a kind of Russian folk painting in blue and white.


"Some kindergartens have expressly told parents: not just a Russian beauty with red flowers, but one with blue Gzhel decorations specifically. And the boys must be dressed in blue Old Russian kosovorotkas (traditional Russian shirts)," a costume hire company has revealed.

The so-called Ministry of Education of Crimea claims that it did not give any official recommendations to kindergartens and this decision has apparently been made independently.

Previously: Russians have started to report images of rainbows to the security agencies, thinking they are LGBT+ propaganda.

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