China cannot simultaneously seek to improve relations with Europe and help Russia fight against Ukraine, Blinken says

Ivanna Kostina, Yevhen Kizilov — Monday, 29 April 2024, 15:11

Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, has stated that China cannot simultaneously seek to improve relations with Europe and help Russia fight against Ukraine.

Source: Blinken at the World Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia, as reported by European Pravda, citing The Guardian

Details: The US secretary of state acknowledged that China does not directly supply Russia with weapons, missiles or ammunition, as Iran or North Korea do.

"However, what China is doing, is providing invaluable support to Russia’s defence industrial base that’s helping Russia deal with the massive pressure that’s been exerted through sanctions, through export controls and other measures," Blinken said.

The official noted that over the past year, Russia has been producing ammunition and equipment at a faster pace than at any time in its modern history, including during the Cold War.

"How has it been able to do that? Because it is getting massive inputs of machine tools, micro electronics, optics, mostly coming from China. Now these are dual-use items, but we know very clearly where so many of them are going. And this poses two problems.

It is enabling Russia to continue the aggression against Ukraine. So it’s perpetuating a war that China says it would like to see come to an end. As all of us would," Blinken said.

The secretary of state noted that this also allows Russia to rebuild its defence industrial base, which European countries are deeply concerned will be turned against them if Russia succeeds in Ukraine.

"And so at the very time that China is seeking better relations with countries in Europe, it is also fueling the greatest challenge to European security since the end of the cold war. And as I shared with my Chinese colleagues, you can’t have it both ways," Blinken stressed.


  • Earlier, Blinken also stated that the United States had seen evidence of China's attempts to "influence and possibly interfere" in the upcoming US elections.
  • During his visit to China, Blinken reportedly echoed the White House's readiness for new sanctions against Beijing if it continues to support Russia in its full-scale war against Ukraine.
  • The US secretary of state also urged the Chinese authorities to ensure a level playing field for American businesses.

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