White House sees no sign that China is ready to accept Ukrainian Peace Formula

Oleh Pavliuk, Tetyana Oliynyk — Thursday, 2 May 2024, 22:43

John Kirby, Strategic Communications Coordinator for the White House National Security Council, said on 2 May that he does not regard China as ready to accept the Ukrainian Peace Formula – a key factor in influencing Russia.

Source: European Pravda citing Voice of America

Details: Kirby was asked to comment on the likelihood of China attending the Global Peace Summit that is set to be held in Switzerland in mid-June. He said the United States welcomes participation in the conference by countries that respect the plan for a just peace for Ukraine.

"And if China is a country that is willing to help work for a just peace and is willing to fully respect President Zelenskyy's goals and objectives and his prerogatives, then my God we will support this," he said.

However, the White House spokesperson noted that he has not seen Beijing taking any steps in this direction, so the United States will continue to provide Ukraine with what it needs to fight.

"And now we have received supplemental funding to repel Russian aggression, regain the territories that the Russians took from Ukraine, and work on achieving a peace that meets the objectives not just of his administration, but also the Ukrainian people," Kirby concluded.

The Global Peace Summit will take place on 15-16 June in Burgenstock. Switzerland has invited more than 160 countries and international organisations, but not Russia.

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba explained that Ukraine sees no point in inviting Russia to the Global Peace Summit at this stage, but that contact with the Russian side will still be necessary after the international community has consolidated its position.

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