Putin orders to compile a list of countries that sanctioned Russia

Sunday, 6 March 2022, 04:09

Kateryna Tyshchenko – Saturday, 5 March 22:25

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Cabinet of Ministers of Russia to compile a list of countries that sanctioned Russia.

Source: RIA Novosti

Verbatim: "Putin ordered the Cabinet of Ministers to compile a list of countries that sanctioned Russia, its companies, organisations and individuals within the next 2 days".

Details: Putin also signed the decree 'On temporary rules for the fulfilment of obligations to some foreign creditors', according to the Kremlin press service. 

The decree temporarily allows Russian companies to make payments in roubles in special order to creditors from the countries that engage in "hostile activities" against the Russian Federation.

Background: The large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine led to the imposition of economic sanctions against Russia. The sanctions have already started impacting the standard of living in Russia. Thirty-two countries have closed their airspace to aircraft registered in Russia or that belong to the Russian government and its citizens. According to JPMorgan Chase, the attack on Ukraine might lead to a 1998-like collapse of the Russian economy.