Zelenskyy gives reminder: the world had promised a tougher response to the use of chemical weapons

Tuesday, 12 April 2022, 00:05

Tuesday, 11 April 2022, 00:05

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave a reminder that world leaders had promised to react faster and tougher if Russia used chemical weapons in Ukraine.

Source: Zelenskyy in a video address on 11 April

Quote: "Today, the aggressors made a new statement that testifies that they are preparing a new phase of terror against Ukraine and our defenders. One of the aggressors' propaganda outlets said that they may use chemical weapons against the defenders of Mariupol. We take this extremely seriously.

"I would like to remind world leaders that the potential use of chemical weapons by Russian military  forces has already been discussed. And even at that moment it meant that it was absolutely necessary to react to the Russian aggression much harsher and faster."

Details: the president noted that the European Union had begun discussing a sixth sanctions package against Russia.

Quote: "It's time to tailor this package so that not even a word about weapons of mass destruction is heard from the Russian side anymore. An oil embargo against Russia is a must. Any new sanctions package against Russia that does not involve oil will be received with a smile in Moscow."

Why this matters: The Russian invaders used chemical weapons over the Azovstal plant held by members of the Ukrainian Azov regiment. Three of the regiment's men were injured as a result.