Zelenskyy believes Russian attack on Moldova possible

Saturday, 23 April 2022, 21:39

Evropeyska Pravda — Saturday, 23 April 2022, 21:39

According to Ukraine’s information, a Russian attack on Moldova, with cities being surrounded and blockaded, is possible.

This was alleged by President Zelenskyy during his press conference on the night of 23 April, reports Evropeyska Pravda correspondent.

"As to Transnistria and Moldova – can the same thing happen as in Mariupol? Yes, it can. A difficult situation, the amassing of equipment, thousands of tanks," he said.

The president did not cite data that could support this claim. However, it is evident that the Russian army is currently advancing in the south of Ukraine.

He believes that the advance can be stopped only with armed resistance: "I do not believe that these people will stop (of their own accord)." The president added that Russia’s aim appeared to be to establish an "overland corridor". Earlier, Moldovan authorities called the Russian ambassador for explanations in connection with statements on "a corridor to Transnistria."

Transnistria is a Russian-occupied, unrecognised breakaway state internationally considered part of Moldova, where Russian troops have been stationed since the early 1990s. Since 2014, these troops have not had stable connections with Russia and have had difficulties getting supplies.

See also Moldovan threat and watch the video exploring whether Russia could attack Ukraine from the territory of Transnistria.